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Registration Fee


Social Care Workers, Social Workers and Social Work Students must pay an application fee when applying for the first time for Social Care Council registration. An annual fee must be paid to maintain registration. The fee amount will vary according to job type.

Paying your Registration Fee

Social Care Worker£30
Social Care Manager£65
Social Worker £65
Internationally Qualified Social Worker£350 for first application & £65 for subsequent annual fees
Social Work Student£20

Making your payment

Fees should be paid through your online registration account at using your debit or credit card.

Tax relief

HM Revenue and Customs has agreed that the registrant fee payable to the Social Care Council is tax deductible and may be claimed by Registrants on their tax return or by application to their tax office. Standard Rate Tax Payers may claim 20% of their Council Annual Fee/Renewal Fee as a tax deduction. The tax deduction will normally be made by an amendment to your tax code. Further information and claim forms are available here.

There are three different ways of claiming tax relief for the expenditure:

If you receive a tax return, relief can be claimed on that return by detailing the amount paid to the Social Care Council. Relief will be granted for the tax year in which the payment was made

Write to your own tax office. It is important that you include your National Insurance Number (for identification on the HM Revenue and Customs computer), along with the amount, name of payee ie NISCC and date of payment

Complete Tax Form P358 from your local tax enquiry office and complete it as above (remembering the National Insurance Number is important). You should then send it to your tax office and relief should be given. If registrants have particular problems they should refer them to their own tax office